Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Autobiography Time line

Hi Year 8,
Here is my autobiography time line that I created in Microsoft Office Excel. I look forward to hearing from you via the comments, please feel free to ask questions and provide feedback.


  1. Hi Amelia,
    It's Sarah from class. I really like your timeline Spreadsheet.
    What primary schools did you go to? Were you still doing "Little Athletics" in 2009?. I joined the Robina Little Athletics at the beginning of 2009.. I met lots of new friends. Did you?... maybe we competed together years ago :-)

    I only have one suggestion with your timeline. Maybe you could space out the boxes a little on the top line of the timeline. This could enhance the appearance and readability of your timeline.

    I have published my autobiography timeline on my Blog page. I'd love you to check it out and comment on it (I don't think mine is as good as yours though).

    Talk soon.

  2. Hi Amelia,

    (Sarah that was awesome feedback), I totally agree. If you space out the boxes on the top row between 2007 and 2010 that would really enhance the appearance of the timeline.

    Other than that, it’s a really cool looking timeline in Excel. You should get top marks for this.

    Hope you guys check out my timeline.

    Will. C. (from class)
